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Lyndale is Changing…

Lyndale avenue south road reconstruction is slated to start in 2027. Specifically, from Franklin down to 31st street. The road design of our beloved corridor will have a great impact on the area. We want to preserve its charm while ensuring a safe and clean environment for all. We want a Vibrant Lyndale!

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Safety First

Our roadway went through a 4 to 3 lane redesign in 2022. The findings of this pilot project showed great safety improvements.

  • 10 miles per hour reduction in average speed
  • 57% decrease in crashes
  • 48% reduction in injury crashes
  • Traffic Volume reduced by 11%
  • 83% of survey respondents felt safer walking or rolling across Lyndale Ave

We believe the pilot design has achieved its goal in making Lyndale safer for everyone. We recommend the pilot 3 lane design become permanent.

On-street Parking

This stretch of Lyndale is the home to over 100 small businesses. These businesses cannot function if they do not have parking to serve their clients. The removal of on-street parking would be detrimental to Lyndale’s eclectic and one-of-a-kind business community. A Vibrant Lyndale is not empty storefronts and boarded up glass.

Bikeway on Bryant

We believe a large portion of the 4 to 3 pilot’s success in bike safety is due to the existence of nearby Bryant Avenue. This low stress bikeway has already proven to be the safest option when biking near Lyndale. The experts say that bicycle infrastructure should be kept separate from cars in high-density, mixed-use areas.

Bicycle traffic is on average 4 to 6 times greater in volume on Bryant than Lyndale. There is existing access to Lyndale from the bikeway at 22nd, 24th, 26th, 28th, and 29th streets. We support upgrading these access points and demand bicycle parking stations be included on Lyndale in the redesign.

Lighting and More Lighting

How can one enjoy the vibrancy of Lyndale without adequate lighting? We support reliable and earth friendly lighting solutions for our walks and roads. Road safety and personal safety are paramount for the future of Lyndale Ave.

Green Infrastructure

Proper stormwater management and increased green space is a requirement for our design. We need to do all that we can to improve the water quality of our lakes, rivers, and streams. Stormwater should be captured and treated before it enters our most important resource. Alongside our work under the roads and walks, we need natural vegetation and sustainable landscaping on top of them. A more natural environment will improve our air quality, promote a healthy habitat for pollinators , and reduce the urban heat island effect.

Better Bus Stops

Metro Transit Route 4 is slated to become a Bus Rapid Transit Route in 2030 in hopes that it provide faster and more reliable service in the area. In our road design, we want to see safe bus stop design, upgraded shelters, and better lighting.

With that said, we do not see a need for a dedicated bus lane on Lyndale due to ridership numbers supplied by the Metropolitan Council. Annual reports show that ridership on Route 4 has dropped 21.9% from 2015 through 2019. In the latest 2021 reporting, ridership is down over 65% compared to 2015. Keep in mind the population of Hennepin County was growing during this time.

Electrical Vehicle Charging

We strongly believe in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and curbing dangerous carbon emissions. Electrical Vehicle Charging stations should be installed along Lyndale Ave to provide our community members with reliable ways to charge their EV automobiles. The lack of a dedicated charging network on our corridor does not allow owners, renters, and visitors is a hindrance for EV commuting.

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