November 21st Meeting

Meeting with Marion Greene

Your presence is needed for our meeting with Commissioner Marion Greene on Tuesday November 21st at 5pm. The meeting will take place at James Ballentine VFW located at 2916 Lyndale Ave S.

We need our supporters to show up in numbers as we plead with county officials to not take away our on-street parking.

We want Marion Greene to hear from all users of Lyndale and for those that are willing to speak, we are grateful for your dedication. We believe the voices of nearby residents, employees of Lyndale businesses, and people who are greatly affected by parking removal will have the greatest impact.

Add this to your Calendar!

  • Meeting with Hennepin County Commissioner Marion Greene
  • Tuesday November 21st at 5pm
  • James Ballentine VFW at 2916 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55408