Complete the form below to send a letter in Opposition to a Proposed Emergency Shelter at 918 W Lake St to your Government Representatives

The Lyn-Lake corridor and surrounding neighborhood have been through an extraordinarily challenging past four years. Between COVID-19, civil unrest, and road construction, the businesses on Lyndale have been–and continue to be– faced with significant obstacles. This exacerbated stress has led to many business owners closing their doors, while others remain in a highly-vulnerable state of recovery. While we are resilient, another hurdle emerges that poses to jeopardize the viability of our community.

A proposal has been submitted for a conditional use permit to establish an emergency shelter (“shelter”) on the site of 918 West Lake Street.

An emergency homeless shelter is slated to open at 918 W Lake St. A conditional permit is set to be approved for a “recuperative care” facility that aims to provide temporary shelter—from 24 hours to 6 months—for unhoused individuals needing short-term medical care for physical, behavioral, and social needs. The shelter is proposing housing consisting of 24 rooms divided by gender. The full proposal is included in the land use permit application. The hearing for this permit will take place on Monday, July 15th, at 4:30 pm.

Neighboring businesses and residents strongly disapprove of this permit application and proposal to establish an emergency shelter at 918 W Lake St, and are asking the City to deny the request for a conditional use permit for the following reasons:

• The Building is Not Properly Zoned for these Services

This 918 W. Lake Street building is not currently zoned for this type of facility. The tenant is requesting a conditional use permit to establish the shelter at this proposed location. Approval of this permit threatens the integrity of urban planning and prevents potential legal challenges or community opposition based on non-conformity. Once the building receives the conditional use permit, it stays with the building, meaning that similar services could occupy the space after this tenant leaves, or the tenant could provide additional/similar services under this permit.

• Concern for Comfort and Safety of Youth and Seniors

The proposed site for Lakeshore Care LLC is located directly next to a nonprofit arts and education organization that provides thousands of children and teens with educational programs throughout the year, many of whom walk to the area to receive educational services and programming. In addition, the center hosts programming for many senior citizens and individuals with disabilities. Locating Lakeshore Care LLC next to the education nonprofit, will compromise the comfort and safety of these vulnerable communities

•  Concern for Residents

The proposed site for Lakeshore Care LLC is in close proximity to neighboring apartments, condos, and single-family housing, which exacerbates safety concerns for those living in the area.

• Economic and Social Stability

Situating the shelter in our commercial corridor will disrupt local businesses and economic activities due to increased foot traffic and potential disturbances from individuals with medical and behavioral conditions that businesses and customers are not trained to support.

• Positive Community and Connectedness

Community support is crucial for the success of an emergency unhoused shelter, and a well-placed facility is more likely to receive this support and give our unhoused the wrap around services they need to succeed. Exposure to a high traffic and visible commercial corridor would compromise the privacy and safety for our most vulnerable and unhoused citizens, working against the success of a program designed to change behavior patterns. Establishing the shelter in an area meant for such purposes can help build positive relations with the community, avoiding potential conflicts or opposition from residents, and alleviate concerns for public safety on city streets.

What Can I Do?

  1. Take action now and fill out the form below.
  2. Write a personal letter to the City Planning Commission to share your concerns:
  3. Join us on Monday July 15th at 4:30 pm in Room 350 of the Public Service Center.

Take Action Now!

Now is the time to share your input on 918 W Lake St. Send letters now to your government officials and decision makers. Enter your address and contact info below to start and then proceed to the email section.